Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Vintage Typewriter = Lovely Guest Book

We adore our facebook friends and fans and love meeting new people on facebook. One of our new facebook finds is Thoughtfully Simple. Filled with tons of great inspiration and unique ideas including this one. We love their idea of using typewriters as an alternative to your traditional guest book. Thoughtfully Simple says Why not set out an old vintage typewriter, a reel of paper and let your guests type you a little note? At the end of the night, roll up the paper like a scroll and secure with a ribbon!

Why not indeed! We love this unique take on the traditional guest book. Have you seen any unique guest book ideas that you just loved? Leave a comment and inspire someone else!

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  1. that is a great idea! Love that pink typewriter, never seen one that color.....

  2. Thanks for sharing this post. Happy you enjoyed it!
